Sunday, November 16, 2008

What I love. What I love I will miss.

I love falling asleep to the sound of rain on my little tin roof, the sound of my mom praying at her bedside, and the sound of livestock in the background

I love waking up to Nelson, milking the cows, to my breakfast of fresh fruit, I love waking up excited for the day, excited to be in the midst of hundreds of amazing children

I love walking to school. I love weaving up the mountain over the red clay. I love the view of the lake and the city below. I love the women who greet me while balancing buckets of water on their heads, the men who murmer a mixture of english swahili and lou greetings at me, the kids who run to hold my hand, give me a hug

I love the feeling of walking into a classroom, being called to come into the class, learning, growing, laughing, crying, playing, singing, and dancing with hundreds of kids each day - I love

I love lunch time at the school, the orphanage, and my home. I love that I have gained three pounds and everyday my mom tells me how beautiful I am becoming.

to be continued...(I love that my friend just called me and wants to buy lunch for me right now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What WE love...
We love your blogs! We look forward to reading about your exciting adventure!
We love your spirit and kind heart for the people of Africa.
We love your compassion, but also your strength to get thru all of these experiences.
We love that we are able to see thru your eyes everything that you are doing.
But most of all we love that you are part of Nick's life and also ours!!
You are an inspiration for so many! Keep up the great work!
Love, The Brauns- Nick's family