Why Thailand? When I taught at Como Park, many of my students had lived in Thai refugee camps and their personal college application essays spoke of warm air, tropical fruit, and blue waters. I love warm destinations, the more heat - the better. I love water, I could float in waves and sleep on beaches for an infinite amount of days. I love food - but especially Thai food. And I love experiencing culture shock, uncomfortable, unfamiliar, culture shock. This is when I stretch and grow and learn. So - Thailand seemed like the perfect destination to meet my list of wants. In 2006, I went to Paris, in 2008, Kenya, in 2010, East Africa, in 2012, South, Central, East Africa. I'm hungry for travel, I made a goal after my last trip, that every two years I want to leave the country.
It wasn't easy. I worked really hard, really really hard! Making a goal is one thing, meeting it is another. On and off for almost a year, I worked four jobs, sometimes stretches of 7 days a week, double shifts on the weekends. Segway tours, City Pages, groundskeeper for my landlord's properties, teaching nearly full time morning and night. It was worth it.
I flew into Bangkok late on Monday night and will leave Thailand on January 2nd. More to come soon, I can't wait to give an update of my time in Bangkok thus far, it's been amazing and interesting.
I have to run now, off to meet up with a friend of a friend of a friend who lives here and is going to take me on a tour a couple of hours north. Peace, Chelsey
Chelsey I hope you have a great time! Someone I know just told me today they were planning on going to Thailand in the next year. Instantly made me think of you! Enjoy your trip you deserve. Keep posting because I'll be following! Love ya! P.s. If its okay with your parents I'll leave my gift to you at their house.
I'd forgotten how much I love reading your entries. To read something with such descriptive words and chalked full of heart is a pleasure, even more so when it is one of your daughters writing it. Glad things are going well these first few days and can't wait to hear about more things that are occupying your time. Love ya Chelsey.
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